Paying your bill is easy!
Whether you prefer to pay in person, by mail, online or through automatic bill pay, paying your bill is easy!

View and Pay Your Bill
Twain Harte CSD offers the option to view and pay your bill with a credit or debit card online. To utilize this option you will first need to register for online account access.
To register, you will need:
- An e-mail address
- Your Twain Harte CSD account number,
- Your account number is an eight digit number (shown on your bill as 00-0000-00)
- And the amount of the last payment made on your account.
Click Here to View/Pay Your Bill Online
Automatic Bill Pay
The Twain Harte Community Services District offers FREE monthly automatic bill pay. Please submit the below authorization form with a voided check to the District office. Contact the office during regular business hours (Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) with any questions.
Automatic Bill Pay Authorization.pdfPay in Person
We accept cash, check, debit or credit card payments at the District Office:
Pay by Mail
Pay by check or cash through the mail. Please include your account number!
Our mailing address is: