Twain Harte Meadows Park: Phase One Complete
Twain Harte Meadows Park: Phase One Complete

What is Phase One?
The first phase of the Twain Harte Meadows Project focused on enhancing the existing bocce courts. The Bocce Court Improvements serve as the core connection between Eproson Park and Twain Harte Meadows Park. New improvements include:
- Court Shade Structures: Wooden shade structures were placed over each end of the court, providing a more enjoyable experience for people who would like to play bocce in the heat of the day. The shade structures are equipped with lights to accommodate those games that push into dusk.
- Covered Picnic/Gathering Area: The seating area was expanded by adding a 16’x24’ pavilion next to the existing courts. The pavilion is sized to house 4 to 6 large picnic tables, providing a shaded area for people to enjoy while playing bocce, picnicking or watching the concerts in the park. With large scale timber and rustic architectural design modeled to match the larger future outdoor pavilion, the bocce pavilion will aesthetically tie all the structures together with a look that reflects our mountain community.
- Landscaping and Rainwater Tank: The new patio area was landscaped for shade and aesthetics that will serve as another way to ensure the new park visually connects with Eproson Park. A rainwater collection tank was incorporated into the landscaping to capture rainwater from the pavilion roof. The water will be used to water the landscaping and the Community Garden. The area is now fenced with a split rail fence to create a more open feel and to match the existing fence that surrounds the well house.

Phase One Progress

Our contractor began work on the Bocce Court Improvements in July 2020 and, in true Twain Harte community form, volunteers started pitching in right away. Members of the community helped sand and stain all the lumber, we couldn’t have done it without their dedication and hard work!
The construction was completed in fall 2020 on the 16’x24’ pavilion, expanded patio area and shade pergolas at each end of the courts. We extended the metal stair railing around the edge of the new concrete patio extension at the end of the lower bocce court to provide a safe place for players to stand in between turns.
Additionally, the rain tank that captures pavilion roof rain water for the community garden was placed. We removed the existing fence, installed a new, split rail fence and did some grading. And also added some beautiful rocking at the base of the pillars to add to the rustic charm that complements our mountain community.

The final piece of the puzzle was the landscaping aspect which was a huge success thanks to the amazing group of volunteers who came out and planted the area around the bocce courts and the new rain garden and bioswale that runs from the rain tank in front of the skate park. Additionally, the team from Watershed Progressive (Regina, Eli & Jami) hosted a phenomenal workshop that included education on drought tolerant, native planting and rainwater harvesting.
With the project complete, we were ecstatic to be able to celebrate and dedicate the Bocce Court Improvements to Twain Harte CSD's and Twain Harte Homeowner’s late board member, Jim Johnson.
This project would not be possible without the tremendous dedication and hard work of our community members, a Sonora Area Foundation grant, a State water conservation grant and many generous donations from residents and businesses. Thank you!
How to Get Involved
We maintain an email list of community members who want to be involved in this great community opportunity. The list is used to keep people informed about the development process and upcoming community forums. If you would like to be added to the list, please email us at and let us know how you might want to be involved.